We are sharing our views on Gurbani which are for better understanding of Gurbani for getting the true message. The views being presented here are based on nearly 25 yrs of connection with Gurbani, the views are sole grace of Satguru. The views presented are from within the contents of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji only. For any clearification we will feel greatly obliged to offer relevant explanation for the same.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Unfold Concept Of Gurbani

In Gurbaani we come across three important words as
2. GURu
3. GUR

These three are the key words of Gurbani and the BASIC CONCEPT of Gurbani understanding is based in knowing the correct reference meanings of these words and their inter-relationship.

Gurbani is the Science of SPRITUALITY of DIVINE WORDS. Just as Science deals with the laws of various natural forces and then make use of it for the benefit of the upliftment of Human life similarly Gurbani deals with the scientific Knowledge about the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE in terms of DIVINE WORDS for the upliftment of Human Souls towards its final GOAL.

Thus it is important to understand the scientific analysis of Divine words to get the true message of Gurbani. The Science of DIVINE WORDS of Gurbani is the Grammar of the language of Gurbani. The understanding of Grammar would enable us to know the intrinsic meaning of words and then scientific analysis would provide the understanding of the true message being conveyed by different Divine Words.

Thus it is important to understand Grammar of the Gurbani language and application of modern science principle of quantum physics of waves to Gurbani words.


It is important to understand the Grammar of Gurbani for getting the correct meanings of Gurbani Messages. It may be very difficult to present the whole of Grammar of Gurbani as Grammar is a dry and boring subject for many people reading and understanding Gurbani. However we must evaluate some minimum level of Rules of Grammar that can be helpful in understanding most of Gurbani in a most simple way.

In this respect there has been a very interesting observation regarding Grammar of Gurbani words. It can be observed that nearly 70% of Gurbani words are depicted with two important Matras. These are the Matra of Big U and that of small u known as DULAIKAN and AUKAN. The other Matra is that of Big I and that of small i known as Bihari or Sihari.

Therefore it seems to be of utmost importance to get the understanding of grammar of words related to the above Matras. If that is done then most of the Gurbani messages can be understood as per grammar of the words and the understanding of Gurbani can be more clear and candid in explanations.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Concept Of God In Gurbaani

We have established a CONCEPT OF GOD in GURBAANI and this concept is related to the pronunciation of the very first SYMBOL in SGGS Ji as IK ONKAAR and we tell that GOD IS ONE. If we carefully read Gurbaani and deliberate on the Gurbaani words then we would find that there is no such concept in Gurbaani. No where Gurbaani is referring to the word ONKAAR as GOD. Referring ONKAAR as GOD is our own assumption and we have never tried to verify as to whether Gurbaani is telling us so or not.

In Gurbaani we find that nowhere ONKAAR has been refered as ONE. What has been referred in Gurbaani as IKu is some other word which we have never paid attention so far and that word is EKANKAAR. This is clear from a Quote from SUKHMANI SAHIB Ji as:

If we look at the grammar of the word GOD we find that the word GOD is SINGULAR {Male gender}, therefore this can not be used to refer the word ONKAAR which is gramatically PLURAL.

We can notice that all the NOUN/ADJECTIVE words in Gurbaani are classified as SINGULAR or PLURAL and this has been indicated by a Matra AUKAND {a single line } under the last letter of any NOUN/ADJECTIVE words of Gurbaani. Accordingly the word ONKAAR is PLURAL. Its SINGULAR is the word ONKAARu. It is thus clear from above consideration that the use of word GOD as reference to any Gurbaani NOUN /ADJECTIVE is incorrect. Here it may please be noted that we are not against the word GOD. This is a very good word but its use in Gurbaani interpretation is a matter of concern.